Soaring Society of America

Gifts to Soaring

Donation channels for supporting soaring and the SSA

As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, the Soaring Society of America operates in the public benefit and is supported by donations, through our endowment, and through membership dues.  The Eagle Program and Eagle Fund commenced in 1991 and 2004 respectively as donor channels for projects, programs, and operations of the Society.  The SSA has embarked on a program of enhancing donation channels and options for its members and supporters.  Inspiration came from gifts in the form glider flight training scholarships.  Funds donated by an SSA Business Member and from the trust of late SSA instructor member made these gifts to soaring possible.  Historically, gifts in the form of challenges, bequests and remembrances, and responses to appeals have kept SSA programs and operations active and effective.

In recent years, the need for additional programs and support has resulted in a program for Junior development which have resulted in two contests/cross-country camps.  Another is planned for 2018.  Support has come from within the SSA contest community, however this funding channel is not assured for future support.  Other countries have embarked on similar projects and they appear to be very successful.  The SSA hopes to follow suite.

Some within the SSA membership have decided it is important enough to the future of soaring that the SSA will share in their legacies.  The SSA has been the recipient of several bequests.  As many of you are now winding down your soaring activities, hopefully you are considering your estate planning and final wishes.  The SSA would love to share in your legacy.  Please see our Eagle Legacy page.

The SSA also recognizes our Golden Eagles.  These are members who’ve given significantly to the SSA through single or multiple gifts, as bequests or in response to specific appeals or via annual donations.

The SSA has added a new channel for donating.  It’s often hard for many to make a year-end pledge.  We’d proud to announce our Soaring Eagles donation channel for growing and sustaining programs important to the future of soaring.  Your monthly gift will fit nicely into your budget and will allow for planning of activities and for creating opportunities for youth and juniors, or for supporting important SSA program. 

Why does the SSA need the money?  Please visit each of the following topical pages for more information.

  • Eagle Fund, support for SSA operations and projects
  • Junior Development, support for Junior contests, camps, and grants 
  • US Soaring Teams, support for team endowments and upcoming contests
  • SSA Scholarships, support for SSA endowed and managed scholarships
  • Soaring Safety Foundation, support for safety, site surveys, and instructors